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日常英语口语吐槽雾霾 北京真人外教一对一_外教英语一对一补课_在线视频英辅导


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      1. 关于雾霾的表达


      【fog 雾】

      牛津词典给出的解释是这样的: thick cloud of tiny drops of water close to or just above land or sea;一般指靠近或悬浮于陆地或海洋上空的浓雾,能见度低。由此可见它的主要成分是水,常常指自然现象中的雾,对人体是无害的。

      一般用thick, dense, light等形容词形容。

      Dense fog is covering roads in the north and visibility is very poor.

      浓雾笼罩了北部的公路, 能见度很低。

      【mist 薄雾】

      牛津词典给出的解释:cloud of minute drops of water vapour hanging just above the ground, less thick than fog but still difficult to see through;一般指薄雾、雾霭、雾气,这里已经很清楚地指出了,mist比fog轻、淡,但能见度仍然不是很高,所以,fog = thick mist。

      一般用thick, dense, light等形容词形容。

      early morning mists in autumn


      【haze 霾】

      The Free Dictionary给出的解释:Atmospheric moisture, dust, smoke, and vapor that diminishes visibility,a partially opaque covering;一般是由大气湿度、尘、烟、水汽等降低能见度的物体或不透明的悬浮颗粒引起的,而霾是指原因不明的大量烟、尘等微粒悬浮而形成的浑浊现象,核心物质是空气中悬浮的灰尘颗粒。因此,一定程度上来说haze包括霾,也可以用haze来表示雾霾。此外,haze还有薄雾、迷糊的意思。

      一般用thick, dense, light等形容词形容。a haze of cigarette smoke 香烟烟气

      【smog 烟雾】

      牛津词典给出的解释是mixture of fog and smoke ,即雾和烟的混合物。朗文词典给出的解释是dirty air that looks like a mixture of smoke and fog, caused by smoke from cars and factories in cities,明确指出了是由汽车尾气、工厂废气等烟气引起的空气污染,对人体是有害的;由此可见,用smog来形容雾霾是最贴切的。可用dense、choking(令人窒息的)、noxious(有毒的)等形容词修饰。而BBC、VOA、CNN等国外主流媒体对于雾霾的报道也是普遍倾向于用smog一词。

      2. 与雾霾搭配的动词

      与雾霾搭配的动词一般是用笼罩,而英语中表达笼罩意思的也很微妙,一般常见的有shroud, cover, blanket, envelop等。


      Since Tuesday, the city had been shrouded in grey smog, reducing visibilities to a few hundred metres.


      Authorities are under fire for failing to issue a red-alert last week when Beijing was alsocovered by dangerous smog.


      Much of northern China has been blanketed in thick smog after Beijing issued its highest air pollution alert of the winter in the capital.


      Residents of north-eastern China donned gas masks and locked themselves indoors on Sunday after their homes were enveloped by some of the worst levels of smog on record.


      3. 怎样吐槽雾霾


      在英语中,严重空气污染 一般用severe、serious或heavy等词修饰。

      The smog is severe!


      When the pollution gets really serious, I can’t even see the buildings next to me.


      Beijing partially bans traffic on heavy pollution days.


      4. 车辆限行怎么表达



      Limits have been placed on car use


      Beijing’s first red alert means half of all cars must stay off the roads; odd numbered license plates today, even numbered ones tomorrow.



      Vehicles will only be allowed on the roads on alternate days, depending on the last number of the car’s license plate.


      Along with limiting cars to driving every other day depending on the last number of their license plate



      Restricting the number of cars on the road (CNN)


      Car use is being cut in half by having only odd- or even-numbered license plates on the road at any one time. (CNN)


      5. 口罩到底怎么说

      各大媒体对于雾霾天戴的口罩的表达也不尽相同,BBC用的是smog mask,CNN用的是face mask,VOA用的是mask。并且,这三种表达雾霾天戴的口罩较为常见,因此这三种说法都是可以的。

      注意戴口罩一般用动词wear搭配,wear masks。

      6. 空气净化器

      随着雾霾成为生活“必需品”,已有不少人购置空气净化器过滤雾霾,只为呼吸到那一口亲切的氧气,更有一些民间高人发明了各种低成本的空气净化器。这些各式各样的防雾霾空气净化器可以统一的用air purifier表达,稍大规模的空气过滤系统可以用air filtration system来表示。

      7. 细颗粒物PM2.5

      PM2.5是指“可入肺颗粒物”,现在多被称为“细颗粒物”,英文全称是particulate matter(微粒物、悬浮微粒);BBC给出的定义是Particulate matter, or PM, 2.5 is a type of pollution involving fine particles less than 2.5 microns (0.0025mm) in diameter,即大气中直径小于或等于2.5微米的颗粒物,可直接进入人体的(肺泡),也称为“可入肺颗粒物”,它的直径还不到人头发丝粗细的1/20。PM2.5主要来自机动车尾气尘、燃油尘、硫酸盐、餐饮油烟尘、建筑水泥尘、煤烟尘和硝酸盐等。

      8. 碳足迹 carbon footprint

      碳足迹指直接或间接支持人类活动所产生的温室气体总量(the total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human activities),通常用产生的二氧化碳吨数来表示。比如,你开车的时候,发动机在燃烧汽油的同时会释放出一定量的二氧化碳,这个量由耗油量和行驶里程决定。



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